Deepen understanding by gathering evidence from multiple perspectives
As part of building connections, the team starts collecting information that will help to guide decision-making. These can help to shape and develop inquiry and problem-solving, to achieve the aspirations and goals of the team – which includes the mokopuna, their whānau, educators and practitioners.
Through whakawhanaungatanga kohikohi has already begun. Kohikohi is about gathering rich information.
- ‘What are we learning already through our connections and conversations?’
- ‘What are we noticing as we listen and observe?’
- 'How are we validating cultural beliefs, values and practices of ākonga, whānau and kaiako from the outset?'
You and your team will make decisions about how to gather information, from whom and for what purpose.
Collaborative consultation
Collaborative consultation is an ecological approach to deepen the team’s understanding of the situation by incorporating multiple perspectives.
It can support holistic decision-making. Through collaborative consultation, you can understand patterns that occur over time and in wider contexts.
For example, an education setting can use collaborative consultation across the layers of Te Tūāpapa to identify patterns, make links and plan supports.
“… a collaborative problem-solving process during which the consultant facilitates the creative, coping skills of the consultee and learns from the consultee about the unique aspects of the problem and the consultee’s situation.”
(Conoley et al, 1981 as cited in Kelly et al, 2016 p. 196).

Circles of evidence
Teams can work together to actualise the vision of educators and whānau. Teams can evaluate the shared expertise and what could be strengthened to support it.
Deepening the team’s understanding of a learner or situation can involve using the three circles of evidence: whānau, practitioner expertise and research (Macfarlane and Macfarlane, 2013).
Circles of evidence [PDF, 46 KB]
Macfarlane, S., & Macfarlane, A. (2013). Culturally responsive evidence-based special education practice: Whaia ki te ara tika. Waikato Journal of Education, 18(2).