We understand that individual and collective knowledge of cultural backgrounds, values and identities directly affects the lives of mokopuna. We actively build our cultural competency to grow our practitioner skills, our knowledge, understanding and practice.
What is cultural competency?
Cultural competency is the acceptance and respect for difference, a continuous self-assessment regarding culture, an attention to the dynamics of difference, the ongoing development of cultural knowledge, and the resources and flexibility within service models to meet the needs of minority populations.
(Cross et al, as cited in Saldana, 2001)

Commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi
We are committed to the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi – Partnership, Protection and Participation. We acknowledge the special relationship between tangata whenua and Tangata Tiriti. Tangata Tiriti includes all immigrants and descendants of immigrants who have made their homes in New Zealand since the signing of Te Tiriti. As practitioners, we strive to provide culturally responsive support for mokopuna Māori, whānau, hapu and iwi, and Tangata Tiriti through genuine engagement, representation and collaboration.