Statement of intent
Our statement of intent sets out how we plan to deliver on our purpose to shape an education system that delivers equitable and excellent outcomes. It outlines how we will do our work, what we will deliver and how we will measure progress.
(Ministry of Education, Statement of Intent, 2021–2026)

What is an 'outcome'?
An outcome is a change that happens as a result of an activity, action or intervention. When we measure outcomes, we can see the real and tangible differences that can be made to people’s lives.

Evidence shows that quality teaching and leadership is the strongest in-school influence on the learning of mokopuna. Evidence also shows that involving whānau and communities improves outcomes for mokopuna, and we have a role in influencing this.
Outcomes reflect what we hope to achieve and help us to know when we have been successful. When the focus is on the mokopuna, it can empower mokopuna to be agents of change for themselves, their whānau and communities. Being outcomes-focussed can support building adult capability, and the ability of whānau, educators and other agencies to collaboratively identify what works, how and why.
Outcomes measurement
Measuring outcomes can help answer questions such as:
- are we making a real difference for mokopuna and their whānau?
- what has changed and what has improved for mokopuna, whānau, educators and the education settings involved?
- how do we know?
Progress and outcomes can be measured to:
- assess the effectiveness of an intervention or approach
- identify effective practices
- identify practices that need improvement
- demonstrate accountability
- gain clarity and consensus about the purpose of the work.
From Strengthening Nonprofits: A Capacity Builder’s Resource Library – Measuring Outcomes
Being outcomes-focused in practice
When consulting with a group, such as the team around the mokopuna, practitioners can ensure there is agreement and clarity about the goals of interventions, activities and supports.
The outcomes are the changes the team hopes to achieve, and the indicators are the specific, measurable information collected to track whether an outcome has been achieved.
Outcomes data
Good outcomes data informs practice and helps us see how well we are using our resources to achieve the desired results. We can also use outcomes data to help improve practices and services, and to help develop organisational priorities that focus on improved outcomes for mokopuna and whānau.
- assess the effectiveness of an intervention or approach
- identify effective practices
- identify practices that need improvement
- demonstrate accountability
- gain clarity and consensus about the purpose of the work.
From Strengthening Nonprofits: A Capacity Builder’s Resource Library – Measuring Outcomes
Outcomes data across Te Tūāpapa
Outcomes data collected at individual, cluster and national levels gives evidence of the positive impact of the support provided by services and can feed into planning and practice.
At an individual level, practitioners collect and use a wide range of information and data to make shared judgements about progress towards key outcome indicators, such as presence, participation, well-being, learning and achievement. These might include, but are not limited to:
• observations and interviews (including the perspective of the mokopuna and whānau)
• structured and unstructured assessments (such as functional assessments of behaviour and curriculum-based assessment).
Practitioners can gather information to measure key outcomes and impact of supports on:
- mokopuna wellbeing and achievement
- kaiako and whānau confidence
- home and school partnerships
- quality of service.
Using an outcome measurement tool (OMT)
Practitioners can use an outcome measure tool (OMT). It is completed with the mokopuna, whānau, educators, and other agencies, either individually or in groups.
Data from the OMT can be used for reporting purposes and to track progress and outcomes data at an individual level.
If you involve mokopuna, they are likely to be more motivated, with a higher likelihood of achieving the desired outcomes. For example, you can use the Journey to Tino Rangatiratanga tool to explore the goals and outcomes for Māori mokopuna and whānau.
Outcomes Reporting RTLB – Resource Teacher Learning & Behaviour Online (TKI website)
Ministry Learning Support Outcome Measurement Tool – Confluence this link is restricted access to authorised users.
Clearly agreed goals
Clearly articulated and agreed goals can focus the delivery of interventions and action plans. Clear goals can ensure coherence and continuity across different professionals (such as educators) and different settings (such as home and early learning service, school or Māori medium kura).

Tracking progress
There are times when an outcome seems like a long way off, particularly when you are beginning the journey through He Pikorua in action. Tracking and documenting progress along the way can help. What may be different in one month, two months or three months time helps the team to measure and celebrate the progress along the way. Continuing to gather and share examples of progress along the way helps the overall goals to remain salient.
Whether working at a universal or targeted level, teams can use an inquiry approach to help individual educators and teams develop the shared goals and outcomes they want to achieve. Agreed indicators are an effective tool for measuring progress and performance. Indicators that focus on small and manageable sets of information will give a sense of the bigger picture.
For example, tools such as the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) in PB4L School-Wide or Well-being@School track measurable change in a system over time. Well-selected indicators can help to maintain focus on key work areas and support strategic solution-focussed decision making, helping to sustain an action plan and support the senior leadership team’s commitment.