"The Strengths Approach emphasises people's ability to be their own agents of change and is applied by creating conditions for people to identify, value and mobilise their strengths, capacities and resources. A core principle of this approach is working from values, beliefs and actions that share "power-with" rather than exerting "power-over" others."
(McCashen, 2005, p. 19)

How He Pikorua is strengths-based
Mokopuna, whānau, educators and others genuinely own and participate in the process of change.
Everyone is enabled to engage in relationships, strategies and reflection where they – and not others – identify and define their strengths, capabilities, aspirations and goals.
Mokopuna with different strengths, challenges and learning preferences have the tools, encouragement, and supportive and inclusive learning environment they need to achieve their personal best.

Examples of this principle in practice
Practitioners support educators to use positive frameworks to acknowledge and build on the strengths of individuals and their communities. (Examples are growth mindset, cultural strengths tools, VIA character strengths, Promoting Alternative Tomorrows with Hope.) Practitioners use various assessment approaches to collect, document, organise, synthesise and interpret the information they gather, to make sure it is rich and meaningful. (For example: whole-school surveys, Circle of Well-being and Achievement, Te Pikinga ki Runga, and Journey of Tino Rangatiritanga.)
We collaborate to find solutions to promote positive and achievable outcomes, by looking at the strengths and resources of mokopuna, whānau and the educational community.
We support developing goals that:
- acknowledge and enhance strengths, abilities and interests
- incorporate the cultural traditions, identity, language, and ways of knowing of mokopuna and their whānau
- focus on the future and not the past
- facilitate change and hope
- are sustainable
- enhance the motivation, capability and capacity of the collaborative team.
We model strengths-based practice through strong leadership and professional development, and that practice is collaboratively woven through all support we provide.
We use approaches such as Narrative Practice or Solution Focused practices which aim to address challenges in the environment, context and relationships, rather than perceiving a problem to be within an individual.